Alexandros Kleftodimos
- Status
- Address
- Bio
- Courses
- Publications
Associate Professor
Erasmus departmental academic coordinator
Office 111, Building A
University of Western Macedonia
Communication and Digital Media Department
Fourka Area
52100 Kastoria
Alexandros Kleftodimos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication and Digital Media, University of Western Macedonia. Dr Kleftodimos holds a PhD degree from the Department of Applied Informatics, of the University of Macedonia, Greece in the field of Educational Technologies. He also holds a BSc degree in Mathematics from the University of Aberdeen and an MSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Wales in Aberystwyth. His research interests focus on the following fields: a) Educational Technologies and more specifically VBL- Video Based Learning, Learning Analytics, Interactive Learning Environments, and b) Internet Technologies in Communication and Politics. Dr Kleftodimos teaches mainly courses related to Internet & Multimedia technologies in Communication. Dr Kleftodimos has also participated in several research and development projects with the Department of Communication and Digital Media (e.g., Interreg, Archimedes, etc.) and has worked for several years in the Software industry as a developer and analyst of computer information systems.
Undergraduate Courses
CDM 1135 – Introduction to New Communication Technologies and the Science of the Web
CDM 2144 – Principles of Video and Audio Editing
CDM 2154 – Internet Technologies and Design in the World Wide Web I
CDM 5234 – Digital Media and Education
CDM 7245 – Digital Storytelling
Postgraduate Courses
MA- Interdepartmental postgraduate study program “Public Discourse and Digital Media”
- Digital Media and Digital Media Content Production
MA- Interdepartmental postgraduate study program “Educational Sciences: Teacher Education in innovative approaches to teaching and learning”
- Didactic use of ICT in education
MA- Postgraduate study program “Gaming and Multimedia Application Development”
- Digital Multimedia Editing
- Development of Vector graphics (2D), Models (3D) and Animation