
The Student Welfare service provides administrative support in all activities related to student welfare, in accordance with the current legislation, state funds and Governance decisions. The Student Welfare team coordinate and provide high quality services and information on issues related mainly to free meals, accommodation and social welfare issues, such as student accommodation benefits.

In detail, the Student Welfare service:

  • monitors the implementation of the decisions taken by the UoWM Administration bodies concerning student welfare and, in general, undergraduate students’ wellbeing
  • compiles legislation and decisions on student welfare issues
  • implements current legislation about student welfare
  • coordinates and monitors student welfare processes in all UoWM academic units (Kozani, Grevena, Ptolemaida, Kastoria and Florina)
  • draws up instructions and circulars in order to ensure effective operation of student welfare services in all UoWM student welfare offices
  • examines financial support documents and applications for granting student accommodation benefits, free meals and free accommodation on campus
  • operates a database of beneficiaries and collects data about student welfare at UoWM
  • supports students with disabilities
  • monitors and updates information about student welfare on the university website

Student Welfare service in Kastoria

Despina Salasidou
Tel: 2467 440 003

More on Student Welfare Service page.


for Students of Vulnerable Social Groups of the University of Western Mace

The aim of the accessibility centre is to enhance the physical, academic and social access of students coming from vulnerable social groups (e.g., students with disabilities, low socioeconomic backgrounds, refugees, etc) while attending the University of Western Macedonia. Specific objectives of the accessibility centre are to:

  • provide psychological support and counseling to university students from vulnerable social groups, students in general, the faculty and administrative staff of the university,
  • inform and support the faculty and administrative staff regarding the potential differentiating and inclusive strategies employed for students with disabilities,
  • enhance the accessibility of students with sensory disabilities at learning and instruction through sign language interpreters and Braille translators,
  • improve the accessibility of students with sensory and physical disabilities at the physical spaces of the university,
  • support the transportation of students with physical disabilities from and towards the University campuses. 
  • grant housing scholarships to students from vulnerable social groups. 

In general, the mission of the accessibility centre is to act towards the development of an accessible and inclusive environment promoting respect and equity among students of the University of Western Macedonia.