Georgios Lappas
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Full Professor of Information Technology with emphases on Social and Political
Informatics at Communication and Digital Media Department, University of Western Macedonia
President of Communication and Digital Media Department
Director Digital Media and Strategic Communication Lab
Member of the Regional Council for Research and Innovation of the Region of Western Macedonia
Vice-director of MSc Digital Discours and Digital Media
Vice-director of MSc Digital Games and Multimedia Development
University of Western Macedonia
Communication and Digital Media Department
Fourka Area
52100 Kastoria
Georgios Lappas (PhD in Computer Science, MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence), is a Professor of Information Technology with emphases on Social and Political Informatics. He is member of academic staff at the Communication and Digital Media Department, University of Western Macedonia, Greece. He serves as Head of the Department, as Dean of the Digital Media and Strategic Communication Lab, and as Vice-Director of the MSc Programs “Public Discourse and Digital Media” and “Digital Games and Multimedia Development”.
He is an author of more than 100 published papers in International Referred Journals, International Referred Conference Proceedings and Book Chapters, including papers in I.J. of Information Technology and Politics, New Media and Society, Local Government Studies, I.J. of Electronic Governance, Online Information Review, Jurnal Teknologi, Journal of Universal Computer
Science, Fundamenta Informaticae, Journal of Political Marketing, IJ of Artificial Intelligence Tools etc. and in proceedings of various International Conferences (I.C.) series such as the Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference (MISNC), I.C. on e-Democracy, IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e), I.C. for E-Democracy and Open
Government (CeDEM), I.C. on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), I.C. on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), IEEE I.C. on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), I.C. on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), I.C. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), I.C. on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), etc.
G. Lappas has served as Program Committee member in more than 130 international conferences and member of editorial board in journals such as J of Information Technology and Politics, IJ of Entertainment Technology and Management, J of E-Government. He was the co-chair of 4 international conferences, member of organizing committee in 7 international conferences,
publicity chair in 2 international conferences and session chair in more than 20 international conferences.
He participated in many national and EU funded projects. Currently is the main coordinator of the project “Wine Live Label Innovative Augmented Reality Applications in Wine Product Labeling”, implemented under the framework of the National and EU co-fund Range Action “Research-Create-Innovate” of the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” program. Currently
he also coordinates the WP5 “Mixed Reality and Serious Games and Interactive Treasure Hunt to Promote Mountain Trails in Western Macedonia” action of the project “New technologies and innovative approaches in relation to Agri-nutrition and Tourism to enhance regional excellence in Western Macedonia (AGRO- TOUR)” of the action “SUPPORT OF REGIONAL EXCELLENCE” of the national and EU co fund program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation”
His main research interests are in Social Informatics, E-Government, E-Democracy, Online Politics, Human-Computer Interaction, Digital Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Web Mining, Opinion Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Web Intelligence, Social Network Analysis.
MSc Public Discourse and Digital Media: ONLINE REPUTATIONAL
MSc Public Discourse and Digital Media: POLITICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE
Triantafillidou, A., Lappas, G. (2022) Depersonalize and Attack: Facebook campaigns of populist candidates in Greece during the 2019 Greek national elections, Journal of Information Technology and Politics
Lappas, G., Triantafillidou, A., Kani, A. (2022) Harnessing the power of dialogue: Examining the impact of Facebook content on citizens’ engagement, Local Government Studies, vol 48(1), pp. 87-106 https://doi.org/10.1080/03003930.2020.1870958
Tsichla, E., Lappas, G., Triantafillidou, A., Kleftodimos, A. (2021) Gender differences in politicians’ Facebook campaigns: Campaign practices, campaign issues and voter engagement, New Media and Society, online, DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448211036405
Vrigkas, M, Lappas, G., Kleftodimos, A., Triantafillidou A. (2021). Augmented Reality for Wine Industry: Past, Present and Future. In Proceedings of the The 3rd ETLTC International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ETLTC2021). Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan, January 27-30, 2021, SHS Web of Conferences, Volume 102 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/202110204006 https://www.shsconferences.org/articles/shsconf/pdf/2021/13/shsconf_etltc2021_04006.pdf
Kleftodimos, A., Lappas, G., (2020) “Edutainment and practice in video based learning: Enriching educational videos with interactive activities and games”, International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management 1(1), pp. 5-33 https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=105689
Lappas, G., Triantafillidou, A., Yannas, P. (2019) Members of European Parliament (MEPs) on Social Media: Understanding the Underlying Mechanisms of Social Media Adoption and Popularity, The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, Springer, 13(1): pp. 55-77, DOI 10.1007/s12626-019-00033-5
Lappas, G., Triantafillidou, A., Deligiaouri, A., Kleftodimos, A. (2018) Facebook Content Strategies and Citizens’ Online Engagement: The Case of Greek Local Governments, The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, 12(1): pp. 1-20, Springer
Triantafillidou A., Lappas G., Kleftodimos A., Yannas P. (2018) Attack, Interact, and Mobilize: Twitter Communication Strategies of Greek Mayors and their Effects on Users’ Engagement. In: Sobacı M., Hatipoğlu İ. (eds) Sub-National Democracy and Politics Through Social Media. Public Administration and Information Technology, vol 29. Springer, Cham, pp. 65-89
G. Lappas, A. Triantafillidou, and P. Yannas (2018) “Social Media Adoption and Popularity of Members of the European Parliament”, in Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference (MISNC 2018), July 16-18, 2018, Saint-Etienne, France, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series publication, doi {https://doi.org/10.1145/3227696.3227722}
G. Lappas, A. Triantafillidou, P. Yannas, , & A. Kleftodimos (2017). An Evaluation Scheme for Local e-Government and Local e-Democracy: The Case of Greek Municipalities, International Journal of Electronic Governance, Vol. 9,No 3/4, pp 300-342
G. Lappas, A. Triantafillidou, A. Deligiaouri and A. Kleftodimos (2017) Facebook Communication Strategies and Their Effectiveness: A Case Study of Greek Local Municipal Governments, in Proceedings of The 4th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference (MISNC 2017), July 17-19, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series publication, Article No. 22, doi:10.1145/3092090.3092114
G. Lappas, G., P. Yannas, A. Triantafillidou, & A. Kleftodimos (2016). Do Greek Municipal Websites Meet Citizens’ Perceptions on Issue Importance?, Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 78, No 12-3, E-ISSN 2180-3722, pp 39-49
A. Deligiaouri, A. Triantafillidou, P. Yannas, G. Lappas, R. Alvanos, T. Papadopoulou, A. Kleftodimos (2016), Because Political Knowledge Matters: The Impact of Deliberation on Young Citizens’ Opinions, Medijske Studije (Media Studies) Journal, Vol. 7 (2016):14, pp. 86-102 , ISSN 1847-9758
G. Lappas, A. Triantafillidou, P. Yannas, A. Kavada, A. Kleftodimos, O. Vasileiadou (2016). Social Media Battles: their Impact during the 2014 Greek Municipal Elections, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 22, no. 3 (2016), pp. 375-39
A.Triantafillidou, G. Lappas, P. Yannas, A. Kleftodimos (2016). “Greek Local EGovernment 2.0: Drivers and Outcomes of Social Media Adoption, in Sobaci (ed), “Social Media and Local Governments: Theory and Practice”, Volume 15 of the Series Public Administration and Information Technology, Springer, pp. 153-170
G. Lappas, A. Triantafillidou, P. Yannas, A. Kleftodimos (2015) Local E-Government and E-Democracy: An Evaluation of Greek Municipalities, in S.K. Katsikas and A.B. Sideridis (eds), E-Democracy – Citizen Rights in the World of the New Computing Paradigms, Volume 570 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. 6th International Conference on eDemocracy Athens, Dec 10-11, 2015, pp 134-150
A. Triantafillidou, P. Yannas, G.Lappas, A. Kleftodimos (2015) A Comparison of the Effects of Face-to-Face and Online Deliberation on Young Students’ Attitudes about Public Opinion Polls, in S.K. Katsikas and A.B. Sideridis (eds), E-Democracy – Citizen Rights in the World of the New Computing Paradigms, Volume 570 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. 6th International Conference on e-Democracy Athens, Dec 10-11, 2015, pp. 18-32
G. Lappas, A. Triantafillidou, P. Yannas, A. Kavada, A. Kleftodimos, O. Vasileiadou (2015). The Role of Facebook in the 2014 Greek Municipal Elections, Multidisciplinary Social Networks Research, Second International Conference, MISNC 2015, Matsuyama, Japan, Sept. 1-3, 2015, Proceedings, Communication in Computer and Information Science 540, SPRINGER Volume 540 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science pp. 437-447.
G. Lappas, A. Triantafillidou, P. Yannas, A. Kleftodimos (2015). Evaluation Framework of Local E-Government and E-Democracy: A Citizens’ Perspective, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e), 24-26 Aug, Malacca Malaysia.
A. Triantafillidou, G.Lappas P. Yannas, A. Kleftodimos (2015) Facebook Engagement and Greek Local Municipal Governments, Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government (CeDEM 15), 20-22 Mai, Krems, Austria, pp. 39-50
G. Lappas, G., P. Yannas, A. Triantafillidou, & A. Kleftodimos. (2014). Online Political Marketing: The Use of Facebook in the 2010 Greek Municipal Elections. In A. Solo (Ed.), Political Campaigning in the Information Age (pp. 110-127). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6062-5.ch006
Amalia Triantafillidou, Prodromos Yannas, Georgios Lappas (2014). “Antecedents and Consequences of Online Campaign Engagement of Greek College Students, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2014), 22-27 June, Heraklion Crete. Social Computing and Social Media Volume 8531 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 397-407
P.Yannas, G. Lappas, (2013). “E-Government and E-Democracy in Local Greek Government”, in Gouliamos, K, Theoharous, A., Newman P. (eds) Political Marketing: Strategic Campaign Culture, Routledge Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 978-0-415-84456-7
G. Lappas (2012). “Social Multimedia Mining: Trends and Opportunities in Areas of Social and Communication Studies”, in I-Hsien Ting, Tzung-Pei Hong and Leon S., L. Wang (eds.) Social Network Mining, Analysis and Research Trends: Techniques and Applications, Information Science Reference, pp 1-16
G. Lappas (2011). “From Web Mining to Social Multimedia Mining”, in Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2011), 25-27 July, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 336-343
G. Lappas (2011). “Social Multimedia Mining: A Social Informatics Perspective”, in Proceedings of the 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2011), 30 Sep-2 Oct, Kastoria, Greece, pp. 217-221.
P. Yannas, A. Kleftodimos, G. Lappas (2011), “Online Political Marketing in 2010 Greek Local Elections: The Shift from Web to Web 2.0 Campaigns”, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, 27-29 April, Athens, Greece.
A.A. Albrecht, A.V. Chashkin, C.S. Iliopoulos, O.M. Kasim-Zade, G. Lappas, K. Steinhofel. (2010), “A Note on a priori Estimations of Classification Circuit Complexity”, Fundamenta Informaticae, IOS Press, Vol. 104, No 3, pp. 201-217.
G. Lappas (2008). “An Overview of Web Mining in Societal Benefit Areas”, Journal of Online Information Review, 32(2):179-195, ISSN: 1468-4527.
G. Lappas S. Chatzopoulos, P. Yannas, (2008), “Parliamentary Candidates Running on the Web for the 2004 Greek National Elections”, Journal of Political Marketing, Vol. 7 Iss. 3-4, pp. 256-277, ISSN:1537-7857
P. Yannas, G. Lappas (2007). “Evaluating Local E-Government: An Analysis of Greek Prefecture Websites”, in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 07), October 28-31, Lyon, France, pp. 254-259, ISBN 0-7695-2913-5
G. Lappas (2007). “Estimating the Size of Neural Networks from the Number of Available Training Data”, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2007), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Part I, vol. 4668, pp 68-77, September 10-13, Porto, Portugal, ISSN 0302-9743.
G. Lappas (2007). “An Overview of Web Mining in Societal Benefit Areas”, in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC-EEE 2007), 1st Web Mining Workshop on Web Mining for Ecommerce and E-services (WMEE 07), July 23-26, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 683-690, ISBN 0-7695-2913-5
P. Yannas, G. Lappas. (2006), “Web Candidates in the 2002 Greek Prefecture Elections”, Journal of E-Government , Vol 3, No 1, pp 53-67, ISSN 1542-4049
G. Lappas, R.J. Frank, A. Albrecht, (2006). “A Computational Study on Circuit Size vs. Circuit Depth”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 15, No 2, pp 143-162, ISSN 0218-2130
P. Yannas, G. Lappas (2005), “Web Campaign in the 2002 Greek Municipal Elections”, Journal of Political Marketing, 4(1), 33-50, ISSN 1537-7857
A. Albrect, G. Lappas, S. Vinterbo, C.K. Wong, L. Ohno-Machado (2002), “Two Applications of the LSA Machine”, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2002), volume 1, pages 184-189, November 18-22, Singapore, ISBN 981-04-7525-X